Understanding Personality Disorders, PTSD, Emotional Intelligence, Love Languages in Parenting, Self-Care, Self-Harm, and much more.
As always, these events are absolutely free & everyone is welcome! Attendance certificates are provided at no cost.
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What is Emotional Intelligence?
February 4Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize your own emotions and how other people feel, and use this information to understand behavior and guide decision-making. It’s a skill set that can be developed and improved; people with high emotional intelligence are better at navigating relationships, managing conflict, and achieving goals. Explore the core components of emotional intelligence—self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills—and gain practical tools to understand and manage your emotions in this one-hour seminar with a licensed therapist.
Self-Care and Wellbeing: A Hands-On Approach
February 5It’s normal to experience anxiety, fear, anger, and grief during times of uncertainty. Now, more than ever, it’s important to recognize these feelings and allow time to recharge – but too often we feel guilty for taking time to meet our basic needs. Explore what self-care is, why it’s so important, and practical tips for incorporating self-care into your daily life.
Boundary IQ
February 5Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries can be a challenging task. Some people grew up in environments where setting boundaries was not emphasized or valued, resulting in struggles to establish boundaries in adulthood. Fear of conflict, a tendency to prioritize others’ approval, or past experiences of invalidation or disrespect can also contribute to difficulties in setting and maintaining boundaries. Discuss the role of boundaries in relationships and learn how to implement healthy boundaries in this one-hour seminar.
Understanding Hypochondria and Somatic Symptom Disorder
February 6Somatic symptom disorder is diagnosed when a person becomes extremely focused on physical symptoms like pain, fatigue, or weakness – often without a clear medical cause. This intense focus on physical symptoms can cause major distress and interfere with a person’s ability to function normally. Explore the mind/body connection and how psychological factors can contribute to real physical symptoms in this one-hour seminar with a licensed therapist.
Creating Positive Connections in Discipline
ebruary 10Does punishment change children’s behavior? Explore the differences between discipline and punishment – and learn how discipline can be used to create trusting relationships that foster success. This course is designed for professionals who work with children and families and is developed from a culturally conscious and trauma-informed lens.
Understanding ADHD
February 11Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is more than hyperactive people and short attention spans. Explore the causation, symptoms, and treatment options for ADHD and learn practical tips to manage symptoms and support loved ones who are struggling in this one-hour seminar.
Understanding Depression
February 12How is depression different from sadness? An accessible guide to understanding causation, symptoms, and treatment options for depressive disorders. Learn practical tips for managing symptoms and helping others in this one-hour seminar with a licensed therapist.
Understanding Cutting and Self-Harm
February 12Self-injury is a complex behavior that is difficult to understand if you haven’t experienced it. Explore what self-harm is and is not, why people purposefully hurt themselves, and the symptoms to look for.
I Don’t Need Help: Supporting People Who Can’t See Their Mental Illness
February 13Why do people sometimes reject help? Discuss the reasons why people refuse mental health care and how to respond & cope in this one-hour seminar with a licensed therapist.
Understanding Antisocial Personality Disorder
February 18Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) is a complex mental health condition marked by persistent disregard for others, impulsivity, and a lack of empathy. People with ASPD may ignore laws or social norms, potentially putting themselves and other people in harm’s way. Discuss how it’s diagnosed, the challenges of managing ASPD, and the impact it can have on relationships.
Understanding PTSD
February 19Trauma impacts everyone differently, depending on the nature of the trauma, presence or lack of social support, access to treatment, and coping strategies. This one-hour seminar provides an accessible guide to understanding what causes Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, its symptoms, co-occurring disorders, and treatment options.
The Science Behind Mental Illness
February 19Diagnosing mental illness isn’t like diagnosing other chronic diseases. Are mental health disorders best understood as physical illnesses that affect the brain? Or do these disorders belong in a category all their own? Explore the causes, treatment, and prevention of mental illness and separate myths & facts in this often-misunderstood topic.
Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder
February 20Of the major mental illnesses, borderline personality disorder is among the most stigmatized. Separate myths and facts and explore the signs and symptoms, causes, and treatment of this often-misunderstood diagnosis.
Applying Love Languages in Parenting
February 24The five love languages — physical touch, words of encouragement, quality time, gifts, and acts of service — show how people express and receive love. Identifying your child’s preferred love language helps to strengthen your bond and create a foundation of trust & affection that supports children’s development and well-being. Explore how caregivers can use love languages to address behavior challenges and boost children’s self-esteem in this one-hour seminar with a licensed therapist.
Special Issues in Women’s Mental Health
February 25Women with premenstrual disorders are much more likely to have birth-related depression, according to researchers. And the relationship works both ways: those with perinatal depression are also more likely to develop premenstrual disorders after pregnancy and childbirth. These are severe and chronic conditions that need medical attention and treatment. Explore the symptoms, causation, and treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Perinatal Depression, and Perinatal Anxiety and learn practical strategies to manage symptoms in this one-hour seminar.
Asking for Support: Disclosing Mental Illness at Work and in Relationships
February 26Choosing to share information about mental health is a personal decision that often has to be made more than once. Discuss what factors to consider when making the decision and how to make the disclosure when the time feels right, with a licensed therapist.
Understanding Family Reactions to Mental Illness
February 26Understanding why people experience things differently can help to ease tension & increase acceptance. Discuss the caregiving experience, the stages of emotional response, and learn how to respond and cope in this one-hour seminar.
Stigma in the Workplace
February 27Research shows that about 75% of employees have struggled with an issue that affects their mental health – but 8 out of 10 workers with a mental health condition say shame and stigma prevent them from seeking mental health care. Discuss the impact of unconscious bias and how stigma influences hiring, organizational supports, and workplace culture. Learn tips for correcting negative perceptions and reducing stigma with a licensed therapist.